Numbers and their occult meanings linked to calendar dates, events, financial, gambling, lotteries can be tracked by superstitious believers. Numerologists and psychics attach meanings, which may be true or false,  depending on individuals believing from experiencing them. Maybe numbers are also linked to frequencies and vibrations in our collective subconscious and electromagnetic spirit world…

At least 3 psychics online have predicted or analyzed 888 as lucky for me: Bethea, Cristin and Esmeralda. I believe this may be true because my USA Social Security number, which allows me to legally work in America,   starts with 888! Hopefully the 888 pendant I ordered from one psychic  Bethea will give me more luck and wealth since wearing it daily. Esmeralda created a cosmic wave  absorber for me using 888 as the center. Cristin predicted my winning $8880. If any of it comes true, I will have to reward them.

I also took a Napier choker necklace,  from our mother’s boxes of bling bling from Philippine ‘tiangges’ street stalls or market malls, which coincidentally has 88 rhinestones in the front plus 10 in the back string. It must have pulled me to it because I was drawn to it from her piles of costume jewelry. Hmm…

In childhood, we had a black Magic 8 ball, which was supposed to give one a quick answer to a question in a random occult way when shaken. Another sister has an old cup which looks like it, and is now used as an ashtray for guests.

A few months ago at the start of Chinese New Year of Metal Ox 2021, one sister’s friend gave us gift lottery scratch cards and I won $8 for having three 8s.

Note: for lucky symbols, I have also  found a 4 leaf clover with a 5th hidden back leaf at one sister’s side yard and an old rusty horseshoe on a cottage trip with PPCO press colleagues. I was born at 8:58 pm according to my Philippine birth certificate. My WordPress blog has three 8s 508198718. But when will I get lucky and win lots of money to make superstition become reality?

Update: a personal report from Bethea from Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Secret Chiefs is that I have to learn divination of tarot cards from his deciphering of Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscripts. Coincidentally this Order in 1888 London had founded an Isis-Urania temple allowing women with men to study metaphysics, astrology, numerology, occult, witchcraft and magic arts! Google searching a location for Isis-Urania Temple in London led to a website with map coordinates which copied and pasted in leads to a red balloon matching to 88 St James Street, a posh luxury heritage building, although there supposedly was no real temple but only rented locations at FreeMasons buildings or members homes for their meetings!

Refer to Isis-Urania Temple

Refer to map coordinates matching 88 St James St, London UK

Refer to history at address http://No. 88 St. James’s Street: Gaunt’s coffee house and the St. James’s Hotel

Refer to Crown Estate 250 years lease to Carlyle Group 2012 to 2262

Refer to The Rose-Croix, France 1888

Refer to House Resolution 888 first week in May as American Religious History Week

Refer to Alchemy Museum in
Rosicrusian Egyptian Museum, San Jose CA

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